After 5 minutes of struggle trying to paste the text into the picture well...
i present, my latest ms paint creation...
Everybody loves tofu man!!!
Haha, this post is so random, i shall post some details about the week in my next post.
Bye for now. =3
That Day...The weather was fine, yet i was feeling my inner self gasping for air as i rode on the bus back to swiss. The unsightly semi-broken-down 187 bus seemed to have made a nostalgic impact on me during the trip to school -- I could still remember the clear images of us groaning when this particular bus arrived to bring us back home. I thought maybe that trip also reflected the time and effort i had spent mugging through everything.As i alighted from the bus, i saw the familiar stretch i've been walking on since the first day of secondary 1. How coincidental it is, for me to end that last day walking on that path again since the back gate was closed. Would it be a 'path of glory' just like what we had always sang along on the monday assemblies or would it just be another tiring walk? I had no answers at that moment as i rushed to make it to the hall promptly.The first teacher whom I saw was Ms. Ee, and i can still remember what she told me."So how? Are you feeling nervous?""Ya...""There's a lot of top students from your class, you should be positive about it."Next, faces of some people i expected to be top students appeared in my mind but i knew it would be senseless to picture myself beside them.After the new principal had addressed us on the jae procedures and the statistics of 2007's results, he called upon those people's whose names are on the 'top students' list to stand up. I was definitely taken aback when i saw my name on the screen. 'Is this like some fairytale ending?' I wondered. I was happy, of course, even though i din't look like i was showing it.Looks like all my hardwork has not gone down the drains.==========================================================
Thanks I'd like to spread:Family - Siblings and parents alike for giving me their supports. Teachers - ms. ee, ms. tan, mr. ngoh, mrs. koh, mrs. yu, mr.ravi, mdm tang, mdm. zainub, mrs. lieu, mdm. goh.Friends - zhihong, letting me copy his notes when i cant see the board/screen clearly.benghow, tips on english and always giving me extra INFO before tests. *ahem*junhao, lending me his 'Bible of Biology' which helped in my a1.JK, letting me tease him daily. lol. Giving me the motivation to study after looking at him emo.(jking)joseph, making class soccer a publicized extremely enjoyable activity for 4E5 by using signature shout, 'FORMMMM TEAMMMMMMM'yongxiang, playing badminton with me even though im so noob. jiasheng, being a chiku (randomness~)junyang, being my teacher. sokheng, always there to motivate and teach too.To anybody who is not in the list but is also a friend of mine, u've been acknowledged. I will always remember every single person who has helped me along in times of difficulties.
Don't cry okay. lol.
@ Beng How's house
First and foremost,

Gurmit Singh came to PJC to support the blood donation drive, and he entertained us for ONE minute during assembly.
Stayover at beng how's place was so cool, we met at the tv lounge at about 6p.m yesterday. Played with his ps3 and wii, with surround sound in the lounge, simply the best gaming experience ever. Wii tennis was super fun, excluding the fact that i lost to benghow who wasnt even looking at the screen, lol.

(the tyra show was on channel 5 at that time)
After dinner, we went to his apartment to watch steven chow's tao xue wei long on his mac. Even though we've all watched the show before, it's still super funny. We also watched the david blaine youtube videos and they were freaking funny/lame too.
Lights offed at about 2a.m. The pillows we slept on were great. :D
We woke up at 7a.m next morning for a swim, or a 'float' for me since i do not know how to swim. (sad face) I managed to fish a pair of goggles from the bottom of the swimming pool, and zhihong brought it home.
Results will be out at about 2p.m.
All the Best.
Line Diagrams WINDOWS PAINT Style
Finally done with the bio research for tutorial tomorrow after 1-2 hours, jc is seriously no more spoon-feeding for secondary school feeders e.g Me.Here are some drawings i drew in Windows paint (10.5/10 for best time-killer application):
Mitochondria - Familiar right? cause mrs koh drew them on the board before... haha
Lysosome - No, it is not a muffin(at least not a chocolate flavored one...)
Ribosomes - M3 FAVOURITE , LIKE THEM YOU TOO?!!? (<- retarded)! It's the simplest thing to draw in animal cell :D
Unleash your hidden artistic talents in WINDOWS PAINT TODAY!
All the peeps in my class are suppose to do some self-research and then peer-teach tomorrow during tutorial, there might be a quiz after that, sians im dead.