Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Nike+ Human Race 10km
Last Sunday was the Nike+ human race.While I was taking 700 to esplanade to meet up with BengHow and JunHao, there were more than 10 people in the bus wearing the same shirt as me... felt like I was taking some nike school bus to the race.
There was a heavy jam in Orchard when the bus reached there and most of the participants got impatient and alighted before the esplanade station and I did so too. Initially, I had no idea how to get to the race venue since I was pretty far from the esplanade but I just followed the crowd and eventually reached there. It was amazing to see the town packed with people wearing the same shirt.
After some searching around, I managed to find junhao and benghow waiting for me at the baggage area and we moved to the starting point since it was almost time to start the race.
It started to dizzle when the emcees wanted to start the race, but luckily the race started as planned. We were at least 200-300m away from the starting line cause there were too many people participating so we had to walk all the way till the starting point with our fellow "considerate" Singaporeans shoving us from behind.
The race was quite cool, but not really competitive since there was literally no space for us to run at the first half of the route. The 3 of us ran in a straight row throughout the race and literally blocked the lane when we were overtaking people. There were also bands performing along the route but I don't think anybody paid attention to them (sad).
We met Wenjing after the race and he and junhao went to esplanade to do what they did best during NP days: 'bombing' toilets. After that, we took some photos outside the place.
Random photo of the esplanade

Was that usain bolt behind us when we took the picture :o

Junhao's super rare SEOUL wrist tag container in the middle.
There was free-flow of 100 plus and a concert after the race too.
Hosts MTV VJs Utt and Taya with WWF panda mascot which actually ran the race in the suit
Some local band
Some videos I uploaded on Youtube (Warning: Bad quality!). Boys like girls performed live!
DJ Inquisitive(2006,2007,2008 DMC national champ) scratching
BLG - Hero/Heroine
BLG - Dance Hall Drug
BLG - Thunder
BLG - The Great Escape
Crazy atmosphere =D
Last photo before we left the place
and not forgetting Benghow's large-ass superstar burger from carl's jr.
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