Tuesday, 19 February 2008
Tarandip's birthday party was on last sunday. I met up with the guys at west mall before going on for some last-minute shopping. Beng how's idea to get movie vouchers was quite practical but when we found out that they were selling at $80 for 10 movie vouchers, all of us thought that it was not ganna do well as a birthday present for one person.After some thorough consideration and such, me, zhihong and benghow pooled in to buy a bracelet which is NOT ordinary at all(lol), while jk and weixian got a popular gift voucher.
Time passed pretty fast during the party cause there was a lot of food and channel 5 was showing around the world in 80 days during that time.
Went off with edward and yongxiang after the party to bukit panjang's macdonald's to have some chocolate sundaes. After enduring through edward's collection of lame videos in his mobile, we finally left for home at about 11pm.
Last day of school in pjc was so boring. Only half the class came, 11 to be exact, and most of the teachers dint come for class except for chemistry tutorial. I lost my chem homework in class after i passed to somebody and i couldnt concentrate but luckily jiasheng, who ponned his PE just to go my chem tut, was there to teach me.
Later on, the relief teacher that came in for maths was darn nice. We suggested that we should just slack since there was so little people in class and then he just wrote down six questions on the board to show that he is 'working'. The coolest thing is that he was from swiss too, only 10 years older and he knows mrs sally yu! After presenting the questions, he sat down and started chatting with us about his NS life. Oh ya, he looks like junda + mr ngoh's hair style, junda ngoh, No joke!
Skipped chinese and bio after that to enjoy my last cup of mango madness in pjc's cafe. Regreted not going for bio tut cause the teacher is seriously very good in teaching although a little strict and i wanted to thank her so much but kahwai was dragging me to go home. Heard that she cancelled the lesson after hearing that only 4 people will be attending her class... sighs.
This 1 month has been great guys... although it was short, it has certainly made a mark in my life, i hope that everybody in 08S01 will enjoy their future stay in either pjc or in another jc. Cheers. :D
Finally received the long-awaited sms from MOE this morning at 8am.
MOE: Congrats TAN WEI MING, you are posted to ANDERSON JC, SCIENCE (21S) under 2008 JAE. Pl report to JC/MI on 20 Feb 08 at 7.30am.(not 1 word less/more)
Im quite glad that i dint get into nj although my parents want me to get in badly. If i did get into nj, my chance of survival in the school will be about negative percentage. It was also great to hear that most of the peeps in swiss 4E5 are going in too, but still a bit sad for those who dint manage to get in, especially jiasheng since i've been consulting him most of the time i do not know how to answer physics/chem questions. All the best again to those who are not going ajc.
Still have to pay $20.30 tomorrow for a new orientation package and im in OG32, hope the peeps in there will be sociable.
Currently, I've been asked to join the elmo clan by edwin, the ultimate elmo hater who likes to whack elmo with a badminton racket whenever and wherever possible... and he's the boss.
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