Friday, 30 November 2007
Still surviving
Have some time to blog now since my shift starts at 12pm till 8pm today('night' shift).Yesterday was pretty fun cause i managed to learnt some new stuff in cold storage. First, when i reached the staff room at about 8.30am, i was asked by the aunties to bring the crimson and thompson grapes out. Had no idea what alien language they were talking at first but Azmi (Indian no.1) lead me to the chiller room to take out the grapes, and i can still remember his 金语良言.
Me: So how do we differentiate between Crimson and Thompson grapes?
Azmi: Bro, you see here *points to side of crate* this is crimson, *points to another crate* this is thompson, ok u wait a while.
Next, he moves about 10 (eff-ing) crates of grapes to the trolley.
Azmi: Pack. (and then he smiles like some dumb dumb while he goes slacking off)
At that moment, i was going 'WTF' in my mind cause the crates stack up to higher than me and it may take forever to finish wrapping them into the small plastic boxes. Nevertheless, I started working on the grapes and managed to complete the 10 crates of grapes after about 2.5 hours. It was difficult trying to wrap them up because i needed to cut them up nicely to fit into the boxes, and there's also the murderous task of picking those disgusting, foul-smelling rotten grapes.
Here's a snapshot of rotten grapes taken from yahoo search.

and im not exaggerating what i saw and smelled in cold storage.
Later on after lunch, i learnt how to do some accounting from the auntie in the department. Quite interesting to calculate the cost of wastage per day for just the F&V section, which actually amounts to quite a high sum, e.g ~$600-900 /day. For fruits/veges that are rotten, they cannot be thrown away and have to be brought to the room to be weighed so that we can calculate the loss.
Half an hour left before i leave home, shall go eat lunch now...
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